Business Services
At Davis & Wojcik, our goal is to help your business succeed, which is why we provide a wide-range of legal services aimed at business growth.
Business Formation: Determining how the business entity will operate is the first important decision of any business owner. Our team can explain the advantages and disadvantages of operating as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC) and then assist in filing the appropriate documents with the Secretary of State and/or county where the business is located. Doing this correctly can prevent liability down the road and shield your private assets from business creditors.
Business agreements, contracts, and leases: Surprises are great for birthdays, but not contracts. At Davis & Wojcik, we read the fine print and explain it to you in plain terms. So, when your business is ready to expand into a new building, the experienced contract lawyers at Davis & Wojcik can review and negotiate the lease agreement. When it comes time to negotiate with vendors or customers, we can protect your business with ironclad contract terms.
Policies and procedures: There are many keys to a successful business, but one of them is established polices and procedures. Businesses operate more efficiently when management and employees are on the same page. Legally compliant policies and procedures, implemented with proper training, help businesses reduce liability. At Davis & Wojcik, we can review your current policies and procedures and ensure that they are compliant with the law.
Employee training: California law requires employers with 50 or more employees to provide supervisory employees with two hours of sexual harassment training and education every two years (Govt. Code Sec. 12950.1). However, it is a good idea for small businesses to do the same. The experts at Davis & Wojcik can provide employee training in all aspects of employment law, in accordance to business needs.
Employee handbooks: A well-drafted employee handbook can provide legal protection to businesses by demonstrating that the organization exercised “reasonable care” towards its employees. In addition, employee handbooks provide important information including reporting policies, benefits, sick time and medical leave. Employment law is constantly evolving, and employee handbooks must evolve with it. In other words, every handbook needs revision.
Investigate employment matters: No business is immune from conflict. When harassment or discrimination complaints arise, it is importation to conduct a prompt, impartial, and thorough investigation. A Hemet or Temecula employment lawyer at Davis & Wojcik is trained and qualified to conduct workplace investigations.
Facilitate terminations and layoffs: Terminating employees is one of the worst parts of operating a business. If done improperly, it can make the business vulnerable to a wrongful termination claim. Similarly, a reduction in force can trigger an age or disability discrimination claim. One of employment attorneys at Davis & Wojcik can properly facilitate your termination or layoff to reduce potential liability.
Negotiation, mediation, and/or litigation: While our goal is to reduce liability, lawsuits do occur. The lawyers at Davis & Wojcik are experienced business litigators and can competently represent your company in all stages of litigation, including mediation and settlement negotiations.
General counsel services: Davis & Wojcik serves as general counsel to government entities and private corporations in Temecula, Murrieta, Menifee and Hemet. Whether it is legal research or an expert opinion on the direction of the business, Davis & Wojcik is at your service.
Owner or partnership disputes: Partners and shareholders do not always agree on the direction of the company and disputes often arise. Davis & Wojcik can help resolve these disputes or, if necessary, facilitate a buyout.

If you are a business in need of the expert assistance of our qualified legal team, you can contact Davis & Wojcik by calling (951) 587-2222 or submitting a message through our online contact form.